When you have found something in your diet you'd like to improve on, give yourself adequate time to adjust mentally as well as physically. For instance, if dairy is very prevalent in your diet, don't eliminate it all together! This kind of enthusiasm is counter-productive. Try backing off of ice cream and cheese, while still relishing your morning latte. The whole self needs to be able to distinguish what is going on. Instead, gradually convince yourself of why and how you will reduce dairy in your diet.It amused me and I thought I would share. :)
Aside from the occasional cheese (and ice cream), I've been doing pretty well with my eating habits. I've worked fruits back into my diet and have been drinking loads of water (too hot not to). Still could do better with the veggies though. I'm gonna try one of Wendy & Jess's recipes this weekend to make my veggies more appealing.
Still maintaining my 16lb loss. :)