Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Haha! Just this morning I was thinking to myself that I need to cut back on cheese again. And ice cream. Not that I've been having that much, but enough for me to notice the effects on my sinuses and skin (battling hives and sinus infection as I type). Then I see this in my horoscope:

Aug 9, 2011
Today's Wellness Horoscope for Taurus

Presented by Horoscope.com
When you have found something in your diet you'd like to improve on, give yourself adequate time to adjust mentally as well as physically. For instance, if dairy is very prevalent in your diet, don't eliminate it all together! This kind of enthusiasm is counter-productive. Try backing off of ice cream and cheese, while still relishing your morning latte. The whole self needs to be able to distinguish what is going on. Instead, gradually convince yourself of why and how you will reduce dairy in your diet.
It amused me and I thought I would share. :)

Aside from the occasional cheese (and ice cream), I've been doing pretty well with my eating habits. I've worked fruits back into my diet and have been drinking loads of water (too hot not to). Still could do better with the veggies though. I'm gonna try one of Wendy & Jess's recipes this weekend to make my veggies more appealing.

Still maintaining my 16lb loss. :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Healthy Summertime Dips & Side Dishes

A couple weeks ago a friend posted a link on fb to the blog, Food Heaven Made Easy with Wendy & Jess, and I decided to check it out. Loved!

Wendy and Jess are two young ladies, both nutritionists, who are on a mission to show brown communities that we can prepare and eat tasty, healthy food on a budget. Their first video, "$10 Meal Time," drew me in, so I was very excited to see that they've posted a new video, "Herbal Healing." Check the link, or watch it below.

I really admire what they're doing - especially their purpose behind it. Can't wait for more from these ladies!

Episode 2: Herbal Healing from Food Heaven Made Easy on Vimeo.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Quick Bikini Body Exercises

Came across this article from "The Hollywood Trainer," Jeanette Jenkins. In it, she shares 5 Moves for a Bikini Body, complete with videos and explanation. These moves are simple to do at home, will get your heart pumping, and won't require a lot of time.

I meant to report back on the M100's - the 3 minute workout I posted about last time. Yes, it was as intense as it looked! I only did it on two occasions, and it took me longer than 3mins to get through it each time. That's because I went at a more moderate pace than the guys in the video. Exercises that require a lot of jumping make me really dizzy, really quickly so I was trying to avoid passing out by taking my time with it. I still got my heart rate up, but I paused between each circuit to recover. Def a great quick cardio.