Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Days 39 & 38 - Working it with Slim in 6

I am happy to report that I've gone down a pant size. And, to date, I've lost 10lbs.

I incorporated Level 3 of 30 Day Shred into my weekend workout, but have been doing Cardio Core Express from Slim in 6 every other day during the week. I really like this workout from Debbie Siebers. There's enough cardio for me to work up a sweat and feel like I'm burning fat. This workout also incorporates a lot of standing ab work, so I also feel like I'm focusing on my problem area.

Debbie suggests using 3lb hand weights, but says you can also do the workout without them. I've done both - with and without - depending on how I'm feeling on a given day. It's a 30 minute workout so it's also easy to fit into the day.

I've also been doing her Slim & 6-Pack, which is intense. It's 15 minutes of mat work, utilizing some traditional moves as well as some more advanced moves. The time goes by quickly enough, but you definitely get a good core workout in by doing it.

I was hoping to do some more running now that spring has arrived, but it's been so nasty outside that I've been sticking to my trusty dvd's. How about you all? What's been your workout of choice to keep you fit, healthy and strong?

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