So apparently my body needed more than one day of rest.
I couldn't get up for love nor money this morning - lol - and I went to bed @9pm last night! I was really drained. I feel a bit more energized today. Will try again to get up and do yoga tomorrow morn, but I'll see how it goes...Very important to listen to your body.
Anyhoo...Been on this detox cleanse for 17 days now. Been doing mostly really well - lol.
I won't front though...trying to figure out what to eat can be very frustrating. It's not so bad when I'm at home, or when I bring lunch from home, because we're stocked and prepared with healthy goodies. But it gets tricky (and pricey) when I forget to bring my lunch.
I've also never been one to keep a set routine for very long. Just the thought of drinking that cleansing mix twice a day has already gotten tiresome to me. I keep reminding myself what I'm doing it for (cleaning up my lifestyle from inside out) and keep trekking at a steady pace, so-to-speak.
Still, I've made it through 40 days of exercise and healthy eating thus far. (And 45 days without cheese if you're keeping tabs - Lord knows I am!:) Am I where I want to be yet? No. But I am certainly still on the right path.
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