Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 96 - Starting Point Pictures

Happy Valentine's Day friends!

I came across this Madagascan proverb today: "Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly, but flooding the river." I really like that sentiment.

I hope you all enjoyed the day, showing love to the ones who matter most. More importantly, I really hope you show love, compassion and understanding on the other 364 days of the year too. :)

I'll tell you one thing that I do not love though - jumping jacks, especially before 5 o'clock in the morning. I will not lie and say that this morning was easy. And I won't pretend like I wasn't {thisclose} to hopping right back into bed after I shut off the alarm. But, after pacing in the hall for a moment, the sleep shook off long enough for me to remember my goals. It didn't hurt to remember that I had an audience that is keeping me accountable either. So I pushed through.

And it was a good workout. I felt a little bit stronger when I was doing my (modified) push-ups. At the end of all this, I'd love to be able to do a full set of twenty without having to stop. Or at least ten without having to modify.

It was a pretty busy day at work for me. So much so that I didn't really eat or drink much. Not a good thing, but I got caught up doing multiple things at once. So no fruits today; but I did get in veggies at dinner. The beau and I went out to eat. :)  Actually, we just got in not that long ago. So I'm off to get ready for bed in a few minutes. Wouldn't want to give myself any reason to sleep in past my workout time tomorrow.

I leave you with the pictures that I promised I would post - from day one of Level 1, 30 Day Shred. Mind you now, it wasn't the greatest outfit to wear to show what I need to work on, but hindsight is 20-20. I'll do better next time.


Day 1, side profile

Day 1, back view



  1. This is so, so awesome. I am so proud of you & what you're doing. Accountability is the key, and remember... you CAN achieve anything you put your mind to. Don't give up, no matter what! Hang a bikini on your closet door...whatever you have to do to keep yourself motivated. You are amazing! Go for it!
